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iPSC Generation, Differentiation and Expansion
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Leveraging iPSCs to drive
unique value in your research

Human iPSCs have unlimited proliferative capacity and the potential to be differentiated into nearly any cell type in the human body. These two characteristics make them the perfect tool to bring human biology into the lab, overcoming the challenges of limited availability or scale, many times faced when working with certain primary cell types.

We have the required expertise and capabilities to differentiate large batches of iPSCs into functional cell types, reaching the scale and volume needed for high-throughput screening campaigns, preclinical cell therapy and tissue/organ engineering purposes.

Benefits of Partnering with Ncardia

Customize to your specifications

You set the target for identity, purity, characterization and quality criteria

High batch-batch reproducibility 

Consistent batches at the scale and volume you need (1 to > 10 billion cells)

Shorter development time

A unique approach for risk-mitigation and timely delivery


Proven Experts Primed to Generate Relevant Cell Models at Large Volume

We bring over a decade of experience in differentiating iPSCs into more than 10 cell types and using more than 35 different sources.

Start with the cell line that best fits your research goals

Start with the cell line that best suits your needs, whether it’s your own iPSC line, our proprietary lines, or leverage our assistance in sourcing and reprogramming an ideal primary line for your project.

If required, you can benefit from highly efficient genome editing for your iPSC line of choice (e.g viral delivery or CRISPR-based editing).


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Choose your desire functional cell type to be scaled to your requirements

Select the cell type that best answers your research questions, as well as you target cell volume, density and supply rhythm.


Our team develops high-quality differentiation procedures in the shortest possible timeframe. We use several scalable platforms, in 2D and 3D, and deliver customizable cells/vial (1M, 4M, 8M or 20M) depending on your needs.


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Pure and functional cell models
delivered on a constant supply

We have available a wide range of high-quality assays for a comprehensive characterization of cell identity and function.


Our scientists can establish the most suitable quality testing for your research goals. Our quality control also includes sterility and viability after cryopreservation.


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Leverage our expertise and expedite your journey

Our expert team has developed differentiation procedures for a wide range of cell types derived from all three germinal layers. With our extensive expertise, we can expedite your journey to achieving your desired cell type efficiently and effectively.


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Take a deeper dive into Ncardia's Approach


Maximize Success and Deliver Quality

We specialize on differentiating complex cell types with scalable and consistent processes. After understanding your needs in terms of identity, purity, functionality and volume we either develop new procedures or optimize internal ones to deliver in the shortest possible timeframe.

 Unique Advantages

  • Save time  with multithreaded testing and advance data science techniques

  • Maximize success with smart risk mitigation and parallel process refinement

  • Get reliable cell models with extensive cell characterization and high-quality standards 

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Examples of Custom Projects


Let's start a conversation
about your needs

As more and more drug innovators look to capitalize on the unique value only iPSCs can deliver, they look to Ncardia as their qualified collaborator to join them.

Karin, Scientist iPSC technology expert