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Disease-relevant screening assays
tailored to your needs

Bringing together human iPSC technology, disease knowledge and automation

explore solutions

Ncardia’s expertise and in-house screening capabilities facilitate the efficient generation and application of relevant in vitro models at any stage of your discovery pipeline. Our assays are designed to best mimic your disease of interest and increase confidence in Go/No Go decisions.

Benefits of Ncardia's Custom Screening Services

Specific to your Research Question

Study the phenotype and readout
of your interest

Developed by Proven Experts

Enhance robustness and reproducibility

Translational Results

Testing on relevant
human biology


Leveraging iPSCs to drive
unique value in drug discovery

Patient-derived, genome-edited and environmentally induced disease models

Work with your own iPSC lines, our proprietary lines, or leverage our  sourcing and reprogramming services.


If required, you can benefit from highly efficient genome editing for your iPSC line of choice with our proprietary STAR CRISPR technology.


To maximize reproducibility, cells are differentiated at the scale and volume you need with a rigorously characterized for identity and functionality.



Innovate, de-risk and enhance translational success

Our expertise in iPSC technology and profound understanding of its applications enable our team to develop everything from pilot and validation studies to full screening campaigns. 


We offer a multitude of cell models, technologies and readouts that can be combined and applied to any therapeutic modality.


  • Monoculture, co-culture and triculture models
  • 2D or 3D formats
  • Low to high throughput
  • Multiplexing

Achieve a high-throughput format with robust and reproducible results

Integrating iPSC-based assays in large screening campaigns doesn't have to be a challenge anymore.


Our team has the capabilities and expertise to miniaturize - reducing costs - and automate relevant cell-based assays while keeping a strong focus on delivering high-quality and reproducible data.

Discover our broad range of technology platforms and assay endpoints

Examples of Custom Projects


Confirming compound binding and MoA in atrial cardiomyocytes

- Large-scale differentiation of pure iPSC-derived atrial cardiomyocytes

- Assay development and suitability testing for target drugs

- Customized MEA assay to assess RNAi-mediated knockdown and compound screening


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Screening safety and efficacy of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs)

- Large-scale differentiation and characterization of highly pure hiPSC-derived neurons

- Generation of a single batch large enough for the study, reducing variability

- Automation and miniaturization of assays to achieve low-intra plate variation



Assessing therapeutic's efficacy in Friedreich's Ataxia (FA)

- Differentiation of healthy and disease iPSC lines into cardiomyocytes

- Disease model validation and development of functional assays to study FA phenotype

- Project provided validation of target and efficacy of therapeutic candidate


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Your Trusted Partner to Maximize Long-term Success

Define your Needs

We sit together to understand your specifications and co-develop a plan

Plan the Process

We set a project plan with clear timelines and milestones

Execute and Report

Follow progress with frequent and transparent communication

Plan for the Future

We explain the data and discuss how to support you in your next steps

What our Clients Think of Us

Biotech Company,
Senior Scientist
After collaborating with them for more than two years I can highlight their good communication and timely delivery of data.
Pharma Company, Boston Area,
Highly professional. Always met timetables while maintaining quality service.
Large Pharma Company,
Project Manager
Respect of timelines, clarity of explanations and reports, very good project management.


Incorporate relevant cell models
in your drug discovery pipeline

We’re ready to help make your next step the very best it can be. So let’s start with a conversation – about your vision, goals and expectations for your drug discovery projects.

Kim Riegman, PhD Senior Scientist
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