As endothelial cells are involved in many biological processes, they hold great potential for in vitro drug screening. However, there is a lack of scalable assays and a need for large-scale batches to bring higher reproducibility and accuracy during early and preclinical drug discovery.
To meet these requirements, relevant in vitro models of the vasculature, amenable for high-throughput are needed. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), differentiated into endothelial cells and manufactured at large scale, are a powerful tool to fulfill these needs.
Human iPSC-derived endothelial cells enable detailed understanding of drug effects on vascular function and angiogenesis that is key to identify and validate targets for treatments for a variety of diseases and evaluate drug-induced compound effects for safety screenings.
In this webinar, we present the potential of Ncardia's iPSC-derived endothelial cell models. We have developed a controlled process for large-scale manufacturing of iPSC-derived endothelial cells and scalable assays for drug efficacy and safety screenings, with the aim of bringing better medicines to patients faster.
In this webinar you will:
Gain insights into the advantages of iPSC-based models versus primary cell models
Learn how human iPSC-derived endothelial cells enable detailed understanding of drug effects on vascular function and vessel formation
Discover future potential applications of iPSC-derived endothelial cells

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