Ncardia News

Ncardia Acquires STAR-CRISPR Technology for Advanced Gene Editing of iPSCs

Written by Ncardia Stem Cell Experts | July 17, 2024

How precision gene editing is revolutionizing drug discovery and regenerative medicine

Precision gene editing, particularly through technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, is a revolutionary technique that enables rapid, efficient modification of a cell's genetic material.

For example, CRISPR-mediated gene editing can be used to create a gene knock-out by introducing small insertions or deletions at the cut site, which can disrupt the function of the targeted gene.

When using a template to precisely insert a specific DNA sequence at the cleavage site, it allows for accurate gene editing or insertion (knock-in).

This type of gene editing techniques combined with induced pluripotent stem cell technology (iPSC) are revolutionizing drug discovery and regenerative medicine. On one hand, enabling the creation of more sophisticated and accurate disease models, which better mimic human diseases. On the other hand, generating unique cell products which can boost cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

Introducing STAR-CRISPR technology at Ncardia

In our commitment to providing state-of-the-art solutions for our clients' scientific needs, the Ncardia Group has acquired the full Artisan Bio technology platform including the STAR-CRISPR Cas-12 gene editing technology to make it accessible for both, Cellistic and Ncardia. 

By leveraging STAR-CRISPR Cas-12 technology, we now offer the advanced STAR-CRISPR technology as part of our custom cell supply service to generate highly specific custom cell models for drug discovery or regenerative medicine.

Ncardia workflow for custom cell supply services:

Since such models retain the genetic and molecular characteristics of the donor, drug responses can be evaluated in a clinically-relevant context. In addition, these cell models produced at large scale facilitate high-throughput screening of numerous drug candidates with reproducible results.

On the other hand, iPSCs can be differentiated into various engineered cell types, enhancing their effectiveness and safety when used to repair or replace damage tissues in the body.

Unparalleled gene knock-in and knock-out efficiencies, with minimal off-targets

CRISPR-based systems have two key components: a guide RNA (gRNA), which is a short RNA sequence matching the target DNA sequence to be edited, and a DNA cutting enzyme, typically Cas9, Cas12 or their derivates. Currently, a range of CRISPR-based systems differentiated mainly by their specific cutting enzymes, such as Cas9, MAD7, HiFi Cas, Cas Clover and STAR-CRISPR are available to edit iPSCs.

While Cas9 provides versatility and efficiency in inducing targeted double-strand breaks, Cas12 - used with STAR-CRISPR - has enhanced specificity and flexibility with lower off-target effects.

Among all, STAR-CRISPR stands out as the industry leader for gene editing in iPSCs, offering unparalleled efficiencies in gene knock-in and knock-out, along minimal off-target editing.

Notably, STAR-CRISPR achieves approximately 90% knock-out efficiency, surpassing Cas9 and MAD7, which typically achieve around 60% in iPSCs.

Moreover, its knock-in efficiency is 2–3 times higher than other leading CRISPR-based methods when applied to iPSCs.


Importantly, STAR-CRISPR also mitigates the risk of unintended edits in oncogenes and coding regions, ensuring precision and safety in genetic modifications for iPSCs. This positions STAR-CRISPR as the preferred choice for customers seeking a direct route to gene editing iPSCs.

Overall, the integration of STAR-CRISPR with iPSC technology is a cutting-edge approach to disease modeling, drug discovery, and cell therapy.

Contact us today to explore how START-CRISPR technology and our custom iPSC services can empower your research.