Ncyte® Smooth Muscle Cells
Human iPSC-derived vascular smooth muscle cells
Alterations in the functionality of vascular smooth muscle cells are associated with the progression of pathological conditions such as inflammation, atherosclerosis or pulmonary hypertension. Ncyte® smooth muscle cells is a reliable in vitro model that can help make confident predictions on vaso-activity responses from test therapeutics. Further, it can be used in efficacy and safety screenings in combination with various Ncardia assays.
You can work with Ncyte® Smooth Muscle Cells or contact our team to develop a custom cell model from the iPSC line that fits your project best.

nuclear staining Hoechst (blue)
- High reproducibility
- Functional and physiologically relevant
- Sensitive compound-induced response
Do you want to buy Ncyte® smooth muscle cells?
Do you need a custom cell model?
Product Specifications
Identity markers
>90% Calponin, >40% α-SMA; <10% CD31 at day 7 when cultured as per user guide
>1.5 M viable cells per vial when thawed as per user guide, ≥85% viability at thaw
Quality Control
Cell count, Viability, Identity, Mycoplasma
Cryopreserved cells
Reprogramming method
Shipping conditions
Dry shipper, -180°C to -135°C
Storage conditions
Vapor phase of liquid nitrogen
Technical data
Using a standardized process, Ncardia manufactures Ncyte® Smooth Muscle Cells which are characterized with key identity markers: Calponin and α-smooth-muscle-
actin (α-SMA). For further identity verification, our scientists check the absent of CD31 expression.

Ncyte® Smooth Muscle Cells are the ideal tool to provide relevant predictions on your drug’s effect on vaso-activity. For example, they can be used to functionally assessed calcium transients in response to compound treatment.
Our scientific team can develop a wide range of assays to evaluate the functions of your interest. As an example, the figure shows calcium transient analysis in response to endothelin-1.

Ncyte® smooth muscle cells are a sensitive model. When used in vascular safety assays, they can produce accurate dose-dependent responses and help identify and characterize vasoactive compounds.
Our scientific team can develop assays and screenings with high reproducibility to help you make more confident decisions in early drug discovery.

Certificates of analysis are available upon request via
Our work centers on a simple yet powerful premise:
When we combine deep iPSC knowledge, broad assay capabilities and a demonstrated ability to integrate the biology of human diseases into preclinical research, we can help drug developers make critical decisions earlier and with more confidence.

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Human iPSC-derived vascular smooth muscle cells
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