Cell Painting
Cell painting is a versatile, fluorescence high content imaging-based technique designed to deliver in-depth, unbiased insights into the effects of therapeutic candidates on cells without prior assumptions.
By incorporating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), this method gains added clinical relevance, allowing for more accurate modeling of human disease conditions and human biology.

- Scalable and clinically relevant assay
- Data-rich profiling
- Agnostic and holistic approach
Do you want to explore how this assay can help you progress your drug discovery programs? Contact an expert.
The strength of cell painting lies in its capacity to produce extensive datasets encompassing thousands of metrics and creating a distinct phenotypic signature, which is then compared to a reference library of compound fingerprints. It is widely utilized in drug development as this method can support determining mechanisms of action (MOA), phenotypic drug discovery, profiling toxicity, and target identification.
Using cell painting to distinguish between different cell types
Different cell types have different morphological fingerprints and as such can be distinguished with cell painting. This can, for example, be used for creating profiles of cell co-cultures, selecting subpopulations, or confirming consistency between cell batches.
After the desired culturing and treatment period, cells are stained with specific and stable dyes, imaged in an automated confocal microscope, and then quantified with proven analysis platforms.

Cell painting-based analysis of compound effects in iPSC-derived cells
Cell painting can be used to assess how drug candidates affect cell morphology and, with appropriate reference compounds, to classify these effects with regard to compounds' mechanism of action.
For example, by using known toxic reference compounds in parallel, therapeutic candidates can be assessed for their toxicity.

Our work centers on a simple yet powerful premise:
When we combine deep iPSC knowledge, broad assay capabilities and a demonstrated ability to integrate the biology of human diseases into preclinical research, we can help drug developers make critical decisions earlier and with more confidence.

Study compound-induced effects on blood vessel formation
Evaluate and quantify the levels of clinically relevant biomarkers
Obtain real-time recordings of intracellular calcium fluctuations
Get in-depth and unbiased insights into the effects of therapeutic candidates on cells
Study drug-induced effects on contractility of cardiac or skeletal muscle cells
Determine the electrophysiological effects of your therapeutic candidates
Evaluate endothelial permeability in short and long term
Study drug-induced phenotypic changes in the cell model of your interest
Obtain precise information on compounds' impact on metabolic processes